General Organisation of Programme activities

InstitutCastellet is a public centre belonging to ”Departamentd’Educació de la Generalitat de Catalunya”, which is the institution having the competence in Education coming from the Spanish Ministry of Education, therefore, the curriculums, staff and materials come from the Education Department of Generalitat in Catalonia.

The school chart is leaded by the headmistress and her managing staff. It is deployed in different coordinations (levels, risc prevention, language and social cohesion, IT, mobility…) and department heads of every subject given (language, maths, technology…). The decision-making processes flow from this managing staff to the rest of staff, teachers and administration staff.

As far as the mobility coordination is concerned, it is composed of the head of mobility and some other staff representing the different mobilities in the institution. When necessary, somebody can be invited if needed for a specific subject to deal.

All the files related to the Programme can be found either in the web or in the moodle of the school.

The mobility coordination has a multidisciplinary character in order to work mobility from different points of view, it will meet an hour per week and its objectives are:

  1. Mark the working lines in all the aspects of international mobility, whether or not being within the ERASMUS Project.
  2. Encourage foreign language learning among teachers and students and its appliance to the teaching of different subjects or units together with the participation in international projects or in specific courses at the Official Language School.

This commission can also collaborate on the choice of the teachers and students able to participate in the ERASMUS projects.

The permanent members of this mobility coordination are : the head of the foreign language department, the mobility coordinator, an IT expert and one member of the managing staff.

The members of this group must have knowledge and experience on participation of ERASMUS projects, eTwinning platform, international activities and others related to the Official Language Schools. They must also have  good foreign language skills and have a good knowledge of the business park in the area and students’ orientation.

The mobilities will have a positive impact in both teachers and students, being or not tangible.

 A)  Students:

1. ESO:

  • Assessment of the activity qualification in the corresponding linguistic skill.
  • Assessment of the social and personal competence in the foreign language or on the mobility field.
  • Evaluation report of the concerned subjects.
  • Knowledge and own acquired experience.
  • Skill improvement.
  • Better cultural feeling.
  • Better language skills.

2.  Professional Studies:

  • As far as FCT (training), the qualification is reflected in this unit.
  • If it is a mobility for learning, we’ll see the learning results of the units concerned.
  • Getting to obtain the EUROPASS card.
  • The credits ECVET will be also taken into account.
  • Firm certificate.
  • Knowledge and self-experience.
  • Skill improvement.
  • Better cultural feeling.
  • Better language skills.

B) Teaching staff:

  • Acknowledge certificates.
  • Proposal from school to the innovation certificates.
  • Knowledge and self-experience.
  • Skill improvement.
  • Better cultural feeling.
  • Better language skills.


The capacity that the Project has got to continue and be useful ater the end of the financed period.

The activities and products acquired must have a continuity in order to be able to be done long term with the necessary updating.



  1. It is a process planned to transmit the satisfactory results from all the projects and innovations to the responsible authorities of the different administrations.
  2. It is a process planned to involve the people who are the final users to adopt the different results of the projects.

At the time when all the projects are finished, a thorough evaluation must be done. All the products and positive activities with a positive evaluation will be transmitted to all the institutions or administrations concerned in order to value the utility of these accomplishments and the viability of their application, whether at a local, national or international level.

The idea is that the results obtained can be for a common profit.

The dissemination and promotion are criteria that will be taken into account and they will depend on each project:

  • In the case of mobility projects, the form asks for an activity list and the activities of dissemination and promotion together with the groups to which the activities are intended.
  • For the cooperation projects a specific plan is asked, where the objectives, tools and results that will be evaluated must be described.



Two points of view can be worth:

  • The ones contributed by the students and teaching staff participating in it.
  • The one contributed by the foreign students coming to our country.

In the first case, the knowledge acquired by the teachers can be transmitted to the rest of our education community.

As far as the students, it will be a personal knowledge which will be abel to get transmitted in the different jobs they are going to perform during their working life.

In the second case, the foreign students can also transmit their personal knowledge to the working places where they will perform their training. Also, the teachers who come with them collaborate in new ideas for our collaborative projects.


In this kind of projects, all the activities and experience and knowledge acquired will be transmitted to the future students and teaching staff. At the same time the workshops and conferences associated to them and positively valued will be maintained long term after the project for benefit of the education community. (