Fundamental Principles

Measures taken to respect the principles of non-discrimination, transparency and inclusion of students and staff. How INS Castellet ensures full and equitable access to participants from all backgrounds, paying particular attention to the inclusion of those with fewer opportunities.


Our school wants to train people with the knowledge and skills necessary to be respectful of themselves, others and their environment. It also aims to make them live the values and attitudes that allow them to integrate and actively participate in today’s multicultural, changing and dynamic society.

That is why:

  • We want to enhance the personal, academic and professional guidance of students and the transmission of the culture of effort and responsible work, establishing the resources and actions necessary to achieve their future success based on their particular potential.
  • We want to improve the academic performance of students and the achievement of basic skills using different resources such as ICT / TAC, new methodologies and promote multilingualism in small projects and exchanges.
  • We aspire to continue working for a good coexistence and to maintain a welcoming and motivating climate that favors the educational task.
  • We encourage the active participation of students and families in the life of the centre.
  • We want this vision to be shared by all members of the educational community, and at the same time we all make a commitment to actively participate in this process of improvement.
  • We want to be a centre of reference, of quality and integrated in the environment, that is able to respond to the personal, formative and professional needs of all the educative community.


Institut Castellet is a public center for compulsory and post-compulsory secondary education whose mission is:

  • Development of the learnings that make possible the understanding, on the part of ourstudents, of the basic elements of all the subjects.
  • Guidance and counseling for families regarding the education their child renare receiving.
  • Involve ment and motivation of the institute human team to facilitate their participation in the daily life of the institution.
  • Coordination with other schools in the area and with the various councils.
  • Promotion of activities and projects carried out at the center.

Our centre receives students from the different municipalities that make up the Bages Sud area: St. Vicenç de Castellet, Pont de Vilomara i Rocafort, Castellbell i el Vilar, Castellgalí, Monistrol de Montserrat and Marganell. The fact of attending students from different villages gives a unique specificity to the school and conditions it in organizational aspects, since factors such as transport and extracurricular activities must always be taken in to account.


Our educational work is based on the guiding principles and our own character that we have detailed above, and we want to transmit the following values to our students:

  • Responsibility.
  • Effort.
  • Self-improvement.
  • Respect.
  • Critical spirit.
  • Emotional self-control.
  • Commitment and social initiative.
  • Cooperation.
  • Sustainability.

Other actions are also developed at school to work on these aspects:

  • Specific documentation of the centre: Coexistence Plan, which includes the forms of prevention and action in different situations that may occur in the centre (xenophobia, racism, homophobia…)
  • Organization of a course on Mediation every two years, for the management of conflicts in an agreed and spoken way, without the use of violence. In these trainings, students, administration and services staff, families and teachers take part. In the case of students, they then mediate between students who have conflicts.  (See Mediació)
  • Meetings with the different Social Services of the towns to pay attention to the students who have greater difficulties, whether they are academic, social or of health.